
We are the masters of Domain Names. Especially the most under valued ngTLD(New Generic Top Level Domains)

If you are trying to build your online presence, we strongly recommend considering the ngTLD domains for your Small Business

Our Own ngTLD Domains are:

Digital.CEO – See the power of this Domain, which means, the CEO of Digital world. This self explanatory, Brandable, easy to remember, Short and Sweet straight forward domain can rule the world of Digital. This we consider to be $100 Million worth.

Bengaluru.Business Bengaluru is a Software & Tech Hub In India. So our Website can cover all the Businesses in the major metro world class City. We estimate this Domain to be worth $10 Million






and many more.

We are not against .Com domain names.

When they are short, sweet and brandable, they will make it easy for the visitor to remember to comeback, without much effort. Following are our powerful .Com Domains.

TV8B.Com This just 4 character Second Level Domain, is Brandable, Self Explanatory, Short, Sweet and Memorable. One TV for 8 Billion People. This is our Central Hub and stands tall as a Mega Pillar around which, we are weaving all our Digital Businesses Globally. TV is the most powerful media in the world, for past 5 decades and forever in the future. When you create a TV for 8 Billion People, there could be nothing that can beat it. What we provide here is a One Stop Solution for every one’s Digital Needs. We provide most valuable infotainment, on Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, HalfYearly and Yearly basis for Life time.

What we mean to say is, if you long on to TV8B.Com, you will find exactly the content, that is needed and suitable for you at that given time. We take all the pain to make it possible. So, every second you spend your time on TV8B.Com your life will become more and more better. We estimate our Domain Name as Priceless. If you want a close estimated price. It could be a Trillion Dollars. Don’t get astonished, just wait and watch our exponential growth in near future. This we are writing on 30th October 2023, 8.47am, Indian Standard Time from Bengaluru, Karnatka India. See the growth month by month and year by year.

ViralQRcode.Com This is a powerful domain. As the name suggests. We have created One QR code, that can go Virally across the world, without much effort. Why because QRcodes are the bridge between Physical and Digital World. A Square Inch QRcode, printed and pasted on to any object or surcase physically, will give life to that point and will connect it to Internet immediately. This can be used to Spread the word, virally across the world.

What you get at ViralQRcode.Com? You will get single point solution for your Small Business or Individual life. You will get The Best opportunity to grow in life with Digital Skills. We post The Best and hand picked Resources, that will change your life exponentially. So Scan It and Share it. Worth $10 Million Dollars.

TheBestQRcode.Com Can you understand the power of this Unique Domain. This is the place where you can find The One and Only Best QRcode, in the world. At present, we are using ViralQRcode as The Best QRcode. Scan It and Share it. Worth $10 Million Dollars.

QRallPapers.Com This is another Unique and QRcode based, solution that will change your life as fast as possible. We use Wall Papers in our life, day in day out. rather we are in touch with them all our wake up time, which may be around 16 to 18 hours of every day of our living for 40 to 50 years of our adult life. Still, those powerfull wall papers are standing clam and lifeless. But, when we add QRcodes to them and make them QRallPapers, they will become Most Powerful in your life. This will change your life more and more faster. We can get connected across the world and can form The Most powerful community that can work together to grow together.

Do you know that all your Internet Browsers also have backgrounds, that can be used to get connected like QRallPapers. Even in the physical world, we have Wall Papers on our walls in every home, even if you have simple painting or nothing they are all Wall Papers. Once you add QRcodes they too will become, Physical QRallPapers and will connect you to the most powerful community in the world. So use QRallPapers and grow with us. Worth $10 Million Dollars.
